Central Plains Water Ltd Central Plains Water Ltd

Our strategy.

Delivering on our 100 Year Strategy.

Central Plains Water Limited’s (CPWL) purpose is, ‘to create collaborative catchment and community-based solutions that transform lives and livelihoods while maintaining and enhancing natural resources for future generations’. CPWL seek to collaborate and engage with stakeholders to explore ideas and achieve vibrant, respected, and sustainable irrigation solutions. In line with our corporate plan, our 100 Year Strategy has set strong foundations for sustainable performance and growth.


Sustainable water growing our world. Mā te tauwhiro wai ka tipu tō tātou ao.


To efficiently supply sustainable, reliable and cost-effective water for food and fibre production, while continuing to explore how we can deliver greater and more diverse value to our shareholders and local communities.

Positive strides towards a better future.

Nothing is more important to us than ensuring that our scheme provides long- term, future-positive impact. That’s why we’ve identified 11 sustainable development goals to focus on. Learn more about how we’re using these goals to help steer a transition towards food security and a more resilient future for our planet and its people.

Local action in a global context, our 11 SDGs.

Goal 2

To achieve food security, we are committed to supplying sustainable water to drive resilient agricultural productivity and production.

Goal 3

A safe workplace is fundamental to how we operate and is our bottom line. This concept extends beyond physical safety, encompassing the wellbeing of our team and the wider community.

Goal 5

There is no discrimination against women at CPWL. We actively encourage opportunities for full and effective participation in the scheme, including at
board level.

Goal 6

We are committed to increasing water use efficiency by optimising water management practices through continually improving farm practices, and as a result, we look to improve ecosystems and drinking water quality over time.

Goal 8

We actively contribute to regional employment and higher-status jobs.

Goal 9

Our greenhouse gas emissions per unit of value add is at below industry benchmarks and decreasing over time.

Goal 12

We have an ambitious sustainable consumption plan. Our roadmap towards sustainable consumption requires us to explore on-site electricity production.

Goal 13

We strengthen resilience to climate change through innovative and adaptive infrastructure and have mapped out our emissions reduction pathway.

Goal 14

We are working to significantly improve indigenous fish stocks including tuna and inanga restorations in water bodies within the Selwyn Waihora catchment.

Goal 15

Our focus is on increasing the area and diversity of indigenous plantings (including riparian margins, wetlands etc.) and the diversity of indigenous and threatened species within the catchment.

Goal 17

In collaboration with catchment stakeholders, including Papatipu Rūnanga, we work collectively to achieve enhanced biodiversity and the next generation of water stewardship.

Read more about our strategic framework and how we’re implementing intergenerational outcomes.

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