Central Plains Water Ltd Central Plains Water Ltd

Ōkakaraiti, landowner Aldersley.


In 2021 Te Ara Kākāriki received funding from Department of Conservation Jobs for Nature to employ 5 FTE for three years, to plant two larger Greendot sites and support landowners in the Otahuna area.

One of the large planting sites is Ōkakaraiti, a six-hectare area on Aldersley farm containing a pond at the end of a water race with a glacial moraine running down the middle of the oblong shaped site.

Supported with funding from Central Plains Water Environmental Management Fund (EMF) Te Ara Kākāriki brought community groups to the site for EMF funded planting days in 2021 and 2022, EMF funding has been extended to include the provision of 4,000 native plants. By mid-2024 TAK will have planted 30,000 plants at the site.

This planting area has been opened to the public and it now provides a well-used walking track and viewpoint over Springfield and out to the Southern Alps.


Short term.

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Longer term.

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