Central Plains Water Ltd Central Plains Water Ltd

Land and legal.

Our in-house Land and Legal team are responsible for ensuring legal compliance across all aspects of the Central Water Plains Water Limited (CPWL) business activities.

Legal Services

Legal Services

The legal team provides inhouse services to the CPWL business and the Board of Directors. Legal services include the preparation of legal documents, reviewing contract or supplier terms and conditions, assisting with consent compliance, preparation and review of construction contracts and procurement documents.

Land Access

Land Access

The legal team works with Landowners to negotiate land access requirements for the scheme. This work includes land access negotiations, contracts, and ensuring survey easements are lodged and other legal requirements are met.

Share Sales

Share Sales

Any requests for access to CPWL water or Share Sales are handled by the Legal Team initially. Once a request for more water is received, this will be assessed by the finance, legal, engineering, environmental and operations teams before final approval is granted. The legal team lead this process from initial enquiry through to completion of the transaction.

Accessing CPWL Water

If you are interested in obtaining CPWL water, please contact us for further information (telephone 03 928 2960 (Press 1) or email operations@cpwl.co.nz). Please include your contact details together with how much water you are seeking and details of your property location.

CPWL will then assess whether water is available and whether it is economically viable to supply water to you. We will contact you once this preliminary assessment is complete and, if relevant, provide you with the required paperwork. You will then need to review the documents and decide whether you wish to continue with your application.

Please note:

  • No offer of shares is currently being made;
  • No money is currently being sought; and
  • If an offer is made, it is intended to be made as an unregulated offer in accordance with the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.

Copies of the Water Use Agreements for each stage of the scheme are available on the Company resources page.

Selling Your Farm

We receive a number of calls relating to shareholder farms for sale.  These calls are primarily from parties interested in purchasing the farm when conducting their due diligence.  Their questions typically include:

  • How many shares are associated with the land for sale?
  • What is the nitrogen baseline number?
  • Is there a nutrient allocation for this property?

We appreciate that providing this information is very important and whilst we are happy to help as much as possible, CPWL information relating to individual farms should be provided by the property owner via an appointed land agent or lawyer.


Please note that we will not release any information directly to prospective purchasers. Vendors will be required to complete a written authority form and return it to CPWL. The written authority form is located in the Water User Agreements section of the Company resources page. This form specifies the farm area for sale and the number of CPWL shares to be assigned to the property for sale.  Once CPWL is in receipt of the completed signed form, we will send the vendor (copied to sales agent and lawyer) the relevant information including:

  • Access agreement (if applicable)
  • Water use agreement and
  • Stored water order form (Stage 1 & 2 only)
  • Link Market Services confirmation of your current CPWL Shareholding
  • Approved Farm Environment Plan
  • Nutrient Budget; and
  • CPWL Nitrogen Licence – confirmation of allocation (if applicable)

Once CPWL has provided this information it can then be provided as part of the farm sale information pack to any interested party.  It is up to the vendor and advisors to ensure this information is correct. This approach will ensure that all information provided is authorised by the landowner.

Please contact our Legal team on 03 982 4267 for assistance.